“IN UNISON” is the title of a well-loved television program produced for the ninth consecutive year in the county of Ioannina by the channel “Epirus TV1”.
In charge of the production and presenter of the program is Mr. Ilias Gartzonikas, prof. of physical education and 1st Vice President of “Greek Dance Archives”.
In the over 110 programs “with dance” and “through dance”, through the recording and comparison of valuable archive material and the statements of experienced, knowledgeable people and organizations from the wider realm of folk culture, Mr. Gartzonikas seeks to save and make use of the rich cultural inheritance of Epirus in particular and of Greece in general from a standpoint which believes that today’s Greek has a lot to gain from his dynamic heritage.
The central production team , which includes Georgos Georgoulos and Dimitris Gartzonikas , is responsible for about seven hundred hours of recorded material and two hundred hours of presentation time Website:
http://www.enxoro.gr/ and e-mail: enxoro@enxoro.gr